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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Who writes those cable crawls?

Here's what ran across the bottom of the screen during tonight's Rachel Maddow show:
'Workers use cable to lift a 6,000 ton South Korean ferry that sank nearly three years ago and killed more than 300 people from the sea, an emotional moment following one of the country's deadliest disasters.'

OK, it's not horrific. All the facts are there, but they ramble like a grocery list, with no thought to emphasis or importance. I understand there's a time constraint, but here's a re-write that took five minutes:
'In an emotional moment marking one of South Korea's major marine disasters, workers use cable to lift from the sea a 6,000 ton ferry that sank nearly three years ago, with more than 300 fatalities.'
Back in the day, professional writers were birthed into the business with a whack on the ass and a copy of Strunk & White in their in-box. My guess is they don't give books away any more.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Really? Isn't that, well, stupid?

Yeah, maybe, but when someone is willing to pay $600,000 for a 44-year-old car, 'stupid is as stupid does:'
 The 1971 Ferrari Daytona's seatbacks are non-adjustable. On the plus side - you're sitting at the precise angle Enzo liked best. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Sure It's Photoshopped...

... but look at it as a political cartoon, in the spirit of Thomas Nast; the overreaching, macho backswing symbolic of a spoiled child's testosterone overdose, the bloated stomach a badge of gluttonous sloth, the imperfect, slathered-on orange tan, a narcissistic Dorian Gray caricature.

This is fake news, Mr. President, right back atcha!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Thanks for the ride, Chuck

Rain water blowin' all under my hood,
I knew that was doin' my motor good...

Chuck Berry  1926-2017

'Chuck Berry was rock's greatest practitioner, guitarist, and the greatest pure rock 'n' roll writer who ever lived.' - Bruce Springsteen

Following our President

President Trump has taken to calling 'fake' any news report or article he doesn't agree with. This not only does a grave disservice to the fourth estate, it also cheapens and demeans the office of the Presidency.

News can be slanted. It can be politically motivated. It is up to us to read it, to see it, and to make informed judgments as to its ultimate veracity.
Follow the advice cited here.before you call any news 'fake.'

Thursday, March 16, 2017

A really cool plane for under $5 million

The Pilatus PC-12 is a single-engine turboprop passenger and cargo aircraft manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft of Switzerland. The main market for the aircraft is corporate transport and regional airliner operators. The United States Air Force's designation is the U-28A. The PC-12 holds the distinction of being the best selling pressurized, single-engine, turbine-powered aircraft in the world.

Pilatus PC-12 taking off from short, unimproved airfield
The PC-12 is designed for performing in multiple roles and to deliver equal performance and safety to twin-engine aircraft. It is powered by a single Pratt & Whitney engine and is capable of operating within the most rugged environments, such as the Australian outback; it is one of the few pressurized turbine-powered aircraft capable of operating from rough landing strips. A trailing arm landing gear arrangement is used to enable the PC-12 to access thousands of airfields that most jet aircraft are incapable of using.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Memorial Day 2017 - A Suggestion

Marine Sgt.Major Dan Daly, a double
 Medal of Honor winner at Cypress Hills*
Before the boardwalk and the beach, before sausage and peppers and fireworks, how about a field trip first?

Cypress Hills National Cemetery
 is the only United States National Cemetery in New York City and has more than 21,100 interments of veterans and civilians. There are 24 Medal of Honor recipients buried in the cemetery, including three men who won the award twice. Although Cypress Hills was established to honor Civil War veterans, its grounds include the graves of soldiers who fought in the American Revolutionary War, Spanish–American War, Korean War and Vietnam War.
Cypress Hills National Cemetery opened in 1862 and gravesites were exhausted in 1954. However, burials of veteran’s spouses continues at the rate of approximately ten per year. The two sections of this national cemetery are located approximately one half mile apart (see below, three sections of Cypress Hills).
The cemetery is located in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, and encompasses 18.2 acres. It is easily reached on the J line at the Cypress Hills station, approximately 45 minutes from Manhattan.
* Sgt. Daly, exhorting his troops to charge during the famed WWI Battle of Belleau Wood: 'Come on you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?'

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A blue-footed booby dives off San Cristóbal Island, Ecuador

Few creatures on Earth can claim to have conquered land, air, and sea. We might giggle at the blue-footed booby's name, but its hunting skills are no laughing matter. A booby may leave its perch, anywhere from Mexico to Ecuador, to glide over the waters of the Pacific, until it spots a school of sardines, anchovies, or other small fish. In a flash, the blue-footed booby dives from the air, folds in its wings, and shoots under the ocean’s surface like a missile. Once submerged, the booby can swim for a short period of time—just long enough to grab a fish and take flight again.
(Spectacular in flight, but when a booby meets a booby, comin thro' the Rye, they're kind of ordinary, except maybe for those sneakers!)
My apologies to Robert Burns and J.D. Salinger;
this is what Trump is doing to me!

Friday, March 3, 2017

This really is embarrassing!

 He looks so out of place (and his hand really looks small!) Check out the entourage around him; don't they seem to be, well, just a little ill at ease? Maybe it's me.

Trump Visits USS Gerald R. Ford