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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Is there life in the universe? Besides us, I mean

Is there life in the universe? Are you serious? The universe abounds with life, teems with life, of such description and diversity as to strain credulity. There are paradise planets, ice planets, swamp planets, desert planets, some the same size as Earth, but most a little smaller, with some no bigger than New Jersey. There are giants, too; Jupiter-sized and bigger. Twin planets, triplet plants, dual suns... think it, it's out there.

Inhabitants? How about Reptile people a hundred times more intelligent than humans? Or Bird people, Cat people, people who design their own bodies! On the vast, encompassing scale of evolution, Earth and homo sapiens are not the bottom of the barrel, but we're definitely in the lower third.

We think we're alone mainly because we've had the misfortune to flame into existence in a butt-fuck section of the universe where almost nothing ever happens. Every planet we've ever known besides ours is dead - stone dead; no relics, no history, nothing. Small wonder we think we may be the only ones here.

Of course, by now you're asking, 'How do I know this? What makes me so all-knowing, and with such specificity, yet? Easy.  Freddy Muller told me, and Freddy's been there.

(a work in progress...)

That's an unfair beginning. Freddy comes in much later in the story, but I used him here just to pique readers' interest. So forget about him for now, OK?
The story really begins more than 60 years ago, off the coast of Florida, in an area that has come to be known as the Bermuda Triangle.

Five Grumman Avenger torpedo bombers disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in December,1945. A Martin PBM Mariner dispatched as a rescue plane exploded in mid-flight. There were no survivors of these incidents, and no wreckage was ever recovered until August 2010, when a treasure hunter searching for a sunken Spanish galleon found one almost perfectly preserved Avenger, complete with the skeletal remains of its crew.


Anonymous said...

So true these words you write Mr. Junkyard! For I know it as a witness, I have been abducted many times by the reptile beings and the little greys with big heads. They have taken me into their flying saucers and taught me the wisdom of the universe. They have put their long probes in my anus to explore my soul. Us foolish humans think a man's soul resides in his heart. This is not true, it is in our anus! The gay men know this instinctively. The aliens walk among us and are everywhere but they shape shift into human form to hide. They fill your car with gasoline at the service station, work at the cash register at the super market, your proctologist even. When they come to me this evening I will speak to them of the wise man from the junkyard and so you may expect a visit from them soon to explore your soul. Salaam alaikum, Mustaffa from Morocco

Jack Krug said...

I guess I should shower in anticipation of the visit! :P