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Monday, June 6, 2016

Why I Love The Frogs

  Diana and I were doing France on the cheap -- jeans and t-shirts, motorcycle, b&b's where we could find them. We ran out of film. Di stayed on a corner while I explored a few little stores. I came back with a 24-exposure roll of Kodachrome instead of a cheaper roll of 36 Tri-x b&w. A small argument broke out.

  I was a spendthrift, she had to watch me like a hawk or we'd run out of money and have to sell our watches. She stomped away.   'C'mon - it's just a roll of film. I've been pretty good so far, no?' She wasn't even looking at me.

  'Look, I'm sorry. I'll buy something cheap for lunch?' I still got the arms folded, turned-away pout. I put my hand on her shoulder.

  'Okay okay. Last offer. I won't go over 40 miles per hour unless we're on a highway.' She turned around and laughed. I laughed. We hugged, I kissed her. 
   Bystanders, who had turned us into a one-ring circus, broke into loud applause! 

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