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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Chaos Incarnate

It is not difficult to extrapolate chaos from seeming order. Consider the universe as existing on a leaf, floating in a lazy arc in an eddy. The leaf will eventually be caught up in the whirlpool and dashed to pieces in the turbulent waterfall, but until then, serenity and logic appear to rule.

Now consider 23-year-old Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski, a brilliant Polish-Cuban American who just may be the next Einstein. An M.I.T. 5.0 grad and Harvard graduate student, she's a dabbler in Physics, but considers some of her most rewarding achievements the times when she 'spots elegance within the chaos'. Click her name, read her story. We may be trapped in a universe that ultimately is mindless, but we're not going down without a fight!
(And thanks to FB-er/friend Jim Lent for discovering this gem.)

Incidental addendum: Isn't it refreshing to see how exciting our inclusionary, multi-cultural future can be? 


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