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Friday, October 13, 2017

The street-smart squirrel

   The New England Journal of Ruminants has recently published a two-part exposition paper that alleges the possibility that crazy squirrels appear to have gone extinct.  Increased observation has revealed a dearth of street darters and circlers, while  remaining millennial squirrels have acquired life-extending street smarts; they hit the pavement at high speed, racing on a straight angle until they've crossed safely. Some have even picked up on the inherent safety of  street lanes; others have been observed actually using crosswalks.

Biologists and other relevant scientists are excited. In a test facility outside Madison, NJ, they are attempting to discover whether squirrel road skills can be genetically transferred to other species. 

'We currently are working with a test herd of Jersey deer,' said one clinician. 'We think we've taught them to cavort - which would be a significant step forward - but that opinion is by no means unanimous.'
Look to this blog for any updates.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am more impressed watching squirrels use overhead electric and telephone cables to cross over a busy road.