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Friday, November 9, 2018

I'm still gonna do Facebook, but...

… but I think I'm gonna migrate the bulk of my stuff over to my blog.

Why? Well, because I have more freedom of expression. I can italicize, for one (I've bitched about this for years, but Zuckerberg doesn't listen) I can also bold face, type bigger or smaller, and post pictures in the size I want them and where I want them.
Nautilus French Toast
I can even add captions, and hot links.

If I'd like to post something additionally to Facebook, I just do it, and then my FB buddies can see, as an editor,  how I would lay the article out, instead of blindly following the Facebook rigid style.

Give 'em hell, Lizzie!
A friend said, 'but no one reads personal blogs. Maybe so, but I'm writing just to write. Fun facts I like to share, stories I like to tell, jokes, rants. Anyway, let's see how it goes. And you can comment on the blog, too.

I almost forgot - I've got hot links, too. Political links, sports links, even occasional fun stuff like an English-to-Latin translator. And the whole thing is archived; you can search for anything I've blogged over the years - like the article about the live hydrogen bomb the Air Force lost off the coast of Georgia!

This may be too much work -- I'm not as facile as I was in my Perry White prime -- but let's see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

It’s what I always said. Then after a year you can make a book out of it. “Rambles” by ....

Anonymous said...

Mr Jack, stay away from FB, it is evil!
Mustafa from Morocco