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Sunday, February 22, 2015

 Christie: We hardly knew ye

   The writer, a resident of Wharton, a former Democratic state Assembly candidate, is the Outreach Director of the Highlands Coalition. He can be reached at thestafford@optonline.net. His column appears in The Bernardsville News the first and third weeks of the month, alternating with columnist Leanna Brown, a Republican.
(Jaxon: We actually know George - helluva guy. He has called himself a sometime bureaucrat, which immeasurably raises the esteem of that profession. A true Jersey guy.)

Our future former Governor, like Elvis,
left the building.
Oh sure, he’ll stop by occasionally to veto
some anti-corruption bill or to divide up
 some Port Authority spoils with his pal
 from across the Hudson, Andy “The Kid” Cuomo, but in reality Chris Christie is
 gone from New Jersey for good.

He has gone to that great luxury owner’s
 box in the sky. He’s hunting billionaire’s
money and red-neck votes. You see,
 Christie always has his eye on his
political future and he has no such future
 in New Jersey.
Yes, Chris Christie is gone for good. The problem is he’s isn’t taking any of the problems he’s caused with him. He has left us with what some might call a legacy.
(Read this article in its entirety by clicking here.)

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