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Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Big Surprise Off the Georgia Coast

Beautiful, no? The sky off the southern Georgia coast has often been so described. And the night sky is no different, better even, on a cloudless night. Like the night of Feb 5, 1958.

Clean, crisp, the scent of the ocean all pervasive, the stars a mariner's navigation tools.
On a training mission at 36,000 feet, an Air Force B47 Stratojet bomber collided with an F86 Saber Jet fighter. The smaller plane was completely destroyed and the bomber was critical, with a ruptured wing and a partially dislodged engine. After several unsuccessful landing attempts, the bomber captain was ordered to jettison his payload - a four-ton, fully armed hydrogen bomb.
            The captain chose the shallow waters off Tybee Island, figuring a swift recovery could be made in that pristine target range.
             It didn't work that way. Despite many attempts over the years....
Hey! Wait a minute! I wrote this article years ago, and I was just updating it when I found this. Click on this headline for a real bang-up ending!


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