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Saturday, February 21, 2015

What's Going On Here?

The Affordable Care Act is providing millions of Americans with access to reliable, high quality medical care, while advancing programs to hold costs in check.  Benefits of the law include: insurance subsidies for consumers; transparent Exchanges to shop for insurance; new rules protecting consumers from insurance abuses; increased Medicare payments for physicians; and more.

The successes of the ACA are routinely ignored in the media, but every glitch, every misstep gets major coverage in the press, on TV and in the blogosphere. Why is the 'liberal' media acting like wing nuts?
The ACA is a far-reaching, all encompassing program of enormous complexity. Like Social Security and Medicare, it will take years to get it running smoothly. During that time, could our vaunted fourth estate dig around for some good news? We certainly deserve it!

Understanding the Affordable Care Act

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