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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Privacy, the Last Hurrah

Ever hear of DARPA? If you're worried about your privacy, if you think Eric Snowden has opened up a can of worms, or Pandora's Box, or the CIA's treasure trove of information... MAN! Are you behind the curve! These DARPA guys (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) have their fingers in pies you didn't know could even be baked! Want to see something truly scary, something that will allow the government to track YOUR FOOTSTEPS? Just click here -- but be warned; if you do, you're gonna sleep less!
(previously published 2/2014)


Bob said...

My sense is that this is still in the technology development stage - more an exciting possibility than a real product (think nanotubes).

Still, the advance of technology is rendering "Person of Interest" from the realm of science fiction into a routine detective show.

Jack Krug said...

In 10 years getting off the grid will be impossible.

Bob said...

Harold will figure it out.