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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What's wrong with this headline?

Harrison Ford Could Be Barred From Flying After Plane Crash, Experts Say

Well, right out of the gate, it's sensationalist, misleading. and misinformative. There's no 'news' here, only speculation from a publicity writer.
The headline infers that Ford is a lousy pilot who did something wrong, and that 'experts' will take away his license to fly. If one reads the article, however, one discovers that the 'experts' are in the insurance business - not aviation -  and the 'barring' they're talking about is Ford's insurability for piloting while under a movie contract.

Worse, even; in the body of the article, there's a sidebar, from another expert, who defends Harrison's actions as expert and instinctual. This 'expert' is a media mogul who happens to have a helicopter license.
No news here, just twaddle, just PR flacks trying to suck Tweets and page views from an ignorant public that loves jumping to conclusions.
Journalism 101 states that every news article should answer the questions - who, what, when, where and why. So far, the Harrison Ford plane crash is missing that final 'w'.


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