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Thursday, March 5, 2015

I'm rooting hard for this kid

He's got all the tools. He's a natural athlete -- He runs, throws, fields and hits, and he has a flair for the dramatic, making the diving catch or the great throw or the key hit. He's been up-again-down-again for a couple of seasons, mainly because of a hitch in his swing that major league pitchers have been able to exploit.
He's worked hard on shortening his swing, and his 4-for-4 opening game this year is very promising, but he's out of options; if he doesn't make the team now, he can be put on waivers, and somebody for damn sure will claim him.

More importantly, we share some karma. Kirk and I were both born on August 7! And -- are your ready for this? -- we're both 6'3' and 225 lbs!!! We're a Twilight Zone episode!
(N.B. - in proper newspaper layout, the 'action' of a photo should bleed into the article and not the gutter. Thus, Kirk's pic is on the right, not left, where the reader's eye, following the action, would end up either looking at blank space or another article.)   

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